[Hs-Generics] MPC2012 Call for Participation
2012-05-23 21:35:01 UTC

11th International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC 2012)
Madrid, Spain, 25-27 June 2012


Hotel rooms reserved until: *** 30th May 2012 ***
Early registration deadline: *** 6th June 2012 ***


The biennial MPC conferences aim to promote the development of
mathematical principles and techniques that are demonstrably practical
and effective in the process of constructing computer programs,
broadly interpreted. The 2012 MPC conference will be held in Madrid,
Spain, from 25th to 27th June 2012.


The conference will take place in Madrid, the capital of Spain, in the
Sala de Grados of the Facultad de Inform?tica of Universidad
Complutense de Madrid, right in Madrid's Ciudad Universitaria (city
campus), not far from the city centre and other major tourist
attractions. Accommodation has been reserved in a nearby 4-star hotel,
the VP Jardin Metropolitano.


Conference registration is now open; see


Registration fees have been kept low thanks to a grant from the
Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad. The early
registration fee is ?240, which includes lunches, coffees, and social
events. The early registration deadline is 6th June 2012; after this
point, the registration fee rises to ?340.

Hotel reservation is handled separately; see


We have a block booking of rooms at the conference hotel at a special
reduced rate, but only until 30th May 2012; after this point, the
rooms will be released and the special rate unavailable. (There are
few well-connected budget hotels in the area, and June marks the start
of Spain's tourist season with a sharp rise in hotel rates; so we
strongly advise you to meet this hotel registration deadline.)


* Gilles Barthe, IMDEA Software Institute (http://software.imdea.org/people/gilles.barthe/)
"Probabilistic Relational Hoare Logics for Computer-Aided Security Proofs"

* Dan Ghica, University of Birmingham (http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~drg/)
"The Geometry of Synthesis: How to Make Hardware out of Software"

* Tony Hoare, Microsoft Research (http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/thoare/)
"The Laws of Programming Unify Process Calculi"


* "Scheduler-Independent Declassification"
Alexander Lux, Heiko Mantel and Matthias Perner

* "Elementary Probability Theory in the Eindhoven Style"
Carroll Morgan

* "Scheduling and Buffer Sizing of n-Synchronous Systems: Typing of Ultimately Periodic Clocks in Lucy-n"
Louis Mandel and Florence Plateau

* "Deriving Real-Time Action Systems Controllers from Multiscale System Specifications"
Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes

* "Calculating Graph Algorithms for Dominance and Shortest Path"
Ilya Sergey, Jan Midtgaard and Dave Clarke

* "First-Past-the-Post Games"
Roland Backhouse

* "Reverse Exchange for Concurrency and Local Reasoning"
Han-Hing Dang and Bernhard M?ller

* "Unifying Correctness Statements"
Walter Guttmann

* "Dependently Typed Programming based on Automated Theorem Proving"
Alasdair Armstrong, Simon Foster and Georg Struth

* "An Algebraic Calculus of Database Preferences"
Bernhard M?ller, Patrick Roocks and Markus Endres

* "Modular Tree Automata"
Patrick Bahr

* "Constructing Applicative Functors"
Ross Paterson

* "Kan Extensions for Program Optimisation, Or: Art and Dan Explain an Old Trick"
Ralf Hinze


The conference excursion will be a guided tour of Madrid's Royal Palace.
The banquet will be Northern Spanish cuisine at the Sidreria-Asador Gaztemanu.


Jeremy Gibbons University of Oxford, UK (co-chair)
Pablo Nogueira Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid, ES (co-chair)

Ralph Back ?bo Akademi, FI
Roland Backhouse University of Nottingham, UK
Eerke Boiten University of Kent, UK
William Cook University of Texas at Austin, US
Jules Desharnais Universit? Laval, CA
Lindsay Groves Victoria University of Wellington, NZ
Ian Hayes University of Queensland, AU
Ralf Hinze University of Oxford, UK
Graham Hutton University of Nottingham, UK
Johan Jeuring Utrecht Universiteit, NL
Christian Lengauer Universit?t Passau, DE
Larissa Meinicke University of Queensland, AU
Bernhard M?ller Universit?t Augsburg, DE
Carroll Morgan University of New South Wales, AU
Shin-Cheng Mu Academia Sinica, TW
Dave Naumann Stevens Institute of Technology, US
Jose Oliveira Universidade do Minho, PT
Steve Reeves University of Waikato, NZ
Wouter Swierstra Utrecht Universiteit, NL
Anya Tafliovich University of Toronto Scarborough, CA


Pablo Nogueira Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid
Ricardo Pe?a Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Alvaro Garc?a IMDEA Software Institute and Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid
Manuel Montenegro Universidad Complutense de Madrid

For queries about local matters, please write to pablo at babel.ls.fi.upm.es.